Friday, May 10, 2024

What I want

I've stopped craving for stuff. 

I think whatever food I am craving for doesn't taste the same as I remembered them to be. Order my favourite pizza, all I can taste was the oregano flakes. Order some other stuff too.. I guess I am beyond that. 

It is so disappointing. It's day if CBD oil and I've stopped crying about random stuffs.

The Morphine is causing me not to go to toilet days. And there is the sickly sweet stool softener. It is so unreliable. I drank it according to the direction... Had no bowel movement or a hint of it for 7 days then the uncontrollable diarrhea started. Last night u stayed up all night running to the toilet and cleaning up the floor. I've had too many accidents.

Enough about suffering. Let's talk about hope. I feel like I need someone to touch me. Nothing sexual. Just a human touch. On my feet, my hands and my fingers and my toes. They're hurting. A human touch will be nice.

I'd die happy if I can have that. 

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