Thursday, May 30, 2024

Monster in my tummy!

I've been on Morphine for almost a month now. I like how it just dull the pain. It's like a switch to turn off the pain. It can help with the sharp wound pain, body aches however, I find that morphine doesn't work for pain involving swelling. That one I'll have to turn to my trusted Ibuprofen. These however comes in annoyingly bright fuchsia pink color. I prefer my meds to be white or whitish.

Back to the morphine story. I was told that it will cause constipation, so to counter it, I must take a laxative solution. Little did I know that my life turned into a vicious cycle of being painfully constipated and having an uncontrolable diarrhea. I will have a few day if not going to the toilet before feeling that I need to go to the toilet but I can't. I just can't.

Then suddenly all the daily laxative doses will decide that finally they will work all at one... So 'Shitty, shitty, bang! Bang!" 

The other day, I was lucky that the diarrhea attack happened on my off day. Today I am not so lucky.

The pain. The panic. the anxiety. It's getting worse.


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