Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm Turning Japanese...

Tonight's snack - KONNYAKU JELLY!

In case you don't already know what's a Konnyaku Jelly, answer this first- WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN IN THE PAST SIX YEARS? No internet? Never go out to major hypermarkets scattered around the country? Hehehe... OK, now that I've got that out of my system, to tell you the truth, I too just learned about this yummilicious healthy snack from Japan! I learned from The Happy Home-makers' blog...

Saw packets of the instant Konnyaku Jelly Mix at the supermarket just now. Bought a packet with 2 cute-ish star-shaped molds.

Well the Konnyaku has been used for a long time as an “old wives’ remedy.”

Konnyaku has been called “a broom in the stomach” and “a cleaner in the bowels” because of its function in normalising intestinal disorders. It has often been eaten in order to excrete waste and toxic matters from the body. Medieval Japanese people knew of the benefits of Konnyaku through their experience.

The publication of the book called Konnyaku Hyakusen (100 recipes of Konnyaku) in 1846 shows how much Konnyaku was loved by Japanese people in those days. After its publication, those recipes of Konnyaku became popular. Many of the recipes in Konnyaku Hyakusen are still loved and eaten at the family table and are part of domestic Japanese culinary tastes.

Japanese people knew that Konnyaku was good for the health through their experience. Recently it has been scientifically proved that Konnyaku really is good for the health. Nowadays many people are trying to be slim and to prevent adult diseases (arteriosclerosis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, constipation, gallstone, and haemorrhoids). Many people are more health conscious and try to eat health food and not to take many food additives. Konnyaku has recently attracted those people a lot.

Konnyaku is very low in calories, and full of dietary fibre and minerals. Moreover, it is a totally natural food. In Japan, Konnyaku is widely perceived as a health food. That is why Konnyaku jelly and a Konnyaku diet are booming in Japan.

Hehehe... *sez to his cute tummy- "You better get ready to be broomed, because here comes Konnyaku Jelly!!!".

Life is good.

The Packet with mold filled with sour-jellybeans and sour candy!

The mold- "Jellified"!

This is what happens when one is stingy when going out for shopping (not enough mold!).
Free style Konnyaku jelly!

Puffing Over Custard Puffs

It all started on a boring Sunday. It was last week. I went to Bread Story for my daily dose of freshly baked bread and I saw.... CUSTARD PUFFS! It brought back some childhood memories when my sister used to practice baking them in guess what shape???? Swan! Like wow... She used to unwillingly give me those that barely resembled the perfect swan... Haih... Such a drama queen- My sister.

Anyway, I bought the last 3 packets of the painfully wonderfully delicious puffs... Sadly the puffs were part of their daily special... Meaning- they bake them on that day and don't know when those wonderful puffs will be available again... haih... Last 3-4 days were spent going about the bakeries around the island, looking for... Bingo! Custard Puffs!!!

Nevermind. Thank god for the world wide web... Found a nice recipe on The Happy Home-Maker blog.


Pastry -

250 ml (1 cup) water
150 gm (1/2 cup) butter or margarine
125 gm (1 cup) all purpose flour
4 large eggs
1/2 tsp salt (reduce or omit if using salted butter or margarine)

Method -

1) Heat water, salt and butter to a rolling boil; reduce heat. Tip in the flour and stir vigorously over low heat until mixture forms into a ball, about 1 minute.

2) Remove from heat. Add in the eggs, one at a time, while beating until dough mixture is smooth.

3) Heat oven to 200 degrees Celcius or 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

4) Use rounded teaspoonfuls (to tablespoonfuls, depending on the size you like) or a piping bag to make mounds of dough set about 2 inches apart on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Custard Filling

3 egg yolks
100 gm sugar (slightly less than 1 cups) - can put lesser
750 cc or ml milk (3 cups)
20 gm flour (1 1/2 tbsps)
20 gm cornstarch (1 1/2 tbsps) (or flour + cornstarch = 1/6 cup)
1/2 tsp vanilla

1) Beat yolk and sugar until white. Pour in milk bit by bit while mixing until sugar is melted.

2) Put in flour, cornstarch, vanilla and mix until smooth.

3) Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until mixture boils and is thick.

4) Cool before putting into puffs.

There may seem to be many steps to follow here but really, this recipe is very easy and the yummy taste is well worth the effort! Hope you like the taste!

I guess most of us don't have confectioners' sugar sitting in our fridge... For the frosting, I improvised... Cornflour + Sugar, blended! Muahaha...

And I proudly present to you... MY LAST 2 CUSTARD PUFFS. Been munching on them, until forgot to snap pix... hahaha.... Nyums!

What remained of the first batch... Second batch went to the office...

Third batch looking more professional-made. I'm Good!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 7: Education, 8 Nilai 1Malaysia - Bahagian 7: Pendidikan

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 7: Education
Sunday, 26 April 2009

My vision of 1 Malaysia includes that of a nation whose people have enriched their lives through the pursuit of and a positive application of knowledge. A life-long education process which takes place in and outside of the classroom will produce Malaysians who are able to think and act less selfishly, and more for the community in which they live.


Education and knowledge are important prerequisites for any nation to succeed and throughout history we've realized that the only empires that have survived are the empires of the mind, particularly in the present context. An empire built on military strength have not survived and cannot survive. So when you talk about education and knowledge, it must be seen in a holistic context. It must be integrated with values as well. You must have a society which places education and knowledge at the apex of everything. Not only the government, but society as a value. For example, the culture of reading. If you just rely on formal text books, you're not going to gain as much as you ought to. But if you have this culture of reading, this habit of reading, whether through books or through the internet then you are able to open up the Malaysian mind. And I'd like to see the Malaysian mind more and more opened up.

We are constrained by the fact that we have different [education] streams in the country. We don't have one stream, as such, we don't have one national stream. Even the national stream has been redefined to include the vernacular schools. It is both a strength as well as a problem and a challenge for us because we won't have the opportunity for Malaysians to grow up together through one school in a physical sense, but they will be compartmentalized.

95 per cent of Chinese will go to Chinese schools, 97 per cent of malays will go through the sekolah kebangsaan or national schools. So we will not have the opportunity.

But what we can do is to ensure that there are opportunities for us to interact by looking at the curriculum and emphasizing on common values, so that even if we are physically separated, but if we are imbued with the same value system, hopefully at some point in time, we will converge. When we converge, in the physical sense, we will be able to appreciate each other better.

8 Nilai 1Malaysia - Bahagian 7: Pendidikan
Sunday, 26 April 2009

Visi saya tentang 1Malaysia termasuk juga tentang negara yang rakyatnya telah mengayakan kehidupan mereka melalui usaha mendapatkan dan menggunakan pengetahuan secara positif. Proses pendidikan seumur hidup yang dilakukan di dalam dan luar bilik darjah akan membentuk rakyat Malaysia yang berupaya berfikir dan bertindak tanpa terlalu mementingkan diri sendiri, malah lebih mementingkan masyarakat setempat mereka.


Pendidikan dan pengetahuan adalah prasyarat penting untuk mana-mana negara mencapai kejayaan dan disepanjang sejarah kita telah melihat hanya empayar yang berteraskan akal yang terus wujud, khususnya dalam konteks semasa. Sebuah empayar yang terbina daripada kekuatan tentera tidak bertahan dan tidak mampu bertahan. Maka apabila anda bercakap tentang pendidikan dan pengetahuan, ia mesti dilihat dalam konteks holistik.

Ia juga mesti disepadukan dengan nilai. Anda mesti memiliki masyarakat yang menempatkan pendidikan dan pengetahuan di mercu segala yang lain. Bukan saja kerajaan, tetapi juga masyarakat sebagai satu nilai. Sebagai contoh, budaya membaca. Jika anda hanya berharap kepada buku teks formal, anda tidak akan menimba ilmu sebagaimana sepatutnya. Tetapi jika diri anda berbudaya membaca, tabiat membaca ini sama ada melalui buku atau pun internet, maka anda akan berupaya membuka minda masyarakat Malaysia. Dan saya ingin melihat minda rakyat Malaysia berterusan terbuka.

Kita dikekang oleh kenyataan bahawa kita mempunyai aliran (pendidikan) yang berbeza di dalm negara. Kita tidak mempunyai aliran tunggal dan dengan demikian, kita tidak mempunyai aliran kebangsaan. Sedangkan aliran kebangsaan sendiri telah ditakrifkan semula untruk memasukkan sekolah vernakular. Ia menjadi kedua-duanya kekuatan dan masaalah dan cabaran kepada kita kerana kita tidak berpeluang untuk membolehkan rakyat Malaysia membesar bersama melalui satu saluran pendidikan dari segi fizikalnya, sebaliknya mereka akan diasingkan.

95 peratus daripada bangsa China akan memasuki sekolah China dan 97 peratus daripada bangsa Melayu akan memasuki sekolah kebangsaan. Maka kita akan kehilangan peluang. Namun apa yang boleh kita lakukan ialah memastikan terdapatnya peluang untuk kita berinteraksi dengan melihat kepada kurikulum dan menekankan kepada nilai bersama, agar walau pun kita terpisah secara fizikalnya, tetapi jika dipenuhi dengan nilai sistem yang serupa, pada satu peringkat masa diharap kita akan bertemu pada satu titik persamaan.

Apabila kita bertemu dalam erti kata fizikalnya, kita akan berupaya untuk menghargai satu sama lain dengan lebih baik lagi.

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 6: Meritocracy, 8 Nilai-nilai 1Malaysia - Bahagian 6: Meritokrasi

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 6: Meritocracy
Thursday, 23 April 2009

Like all the previous values of 1Malaysia which I had introduced, Meritocracy must be understood and developed with Malaysia's social and economic factors in mind.

Basically everybody knows what it means, this principle of meritocracy, but it cannot be applied in the purest sense, because there are times when you have to take into account certain other factors. For example, people who are disadvantaged, or people who live in rural areas, in estates, in new villages who are outside the mainstream of the more dynamic part of society.

They would certainly need certain considerations. But by and large, meritocracy is not only a noble principle, but a necessary principle for us to propel Malaysia forward to greater heights.

I talked at the outset about the culture of excellence and one of the principles of the culture of excellence is the principle of meritocracy. If you reward people on the basis that they are the best, whether it's the best man for the job or the best company to get a contract, then people realize that they have to be at that level. They have to perform.

Once they realize that they have to perform, that will bring out the best in people I think. So we don't want Malaysia to underperform as a country. If I look at Malaysia, I want it to punch above its weight, using a boxing term. If you apply this culture of excellence and the principle of meritocracy, I think it would be the necessary ingredient for us to maximize the potential of Malaysia.

On the government's move towards enhanced meritocracy
It does mean that the various aspects of the government service and the society as a whole should be predicated on this basis of meritocracy. For example, government procurement.

You should institute a policy which ensures competitive bidding, because once you have competitive bidding, the chances of you selecting the best company for the job at the lowest price and technically acceptable at the same time are far greater than the basis of negotiated tender, for example.

Even the principle of privatization, some of the problems that we have encountered on the basis of privatization in the past, when we had very little knowledge about how to implement privatization, we at the outset, went on the principle of first come first served.

So if you have an idea then you're given that opportunity. But in fact, looking back it's better for us to have identified certain services or certain areas that we want to privatize and open it up for bidding. Then the best proposal can be considered by the government.

So these are some specific examples of how meritocracy can be applied.

8 Nilai-nilai 1Malaysia - Bahagian 6: Meritokrasi

Thursday, 23 April 2009

Sepertimana yang diterangkan dalam nilai-nilai 1Malaysia yang telah saya perkenalkan sebelum ini, Meritokrasi harus difahami dan dibentuk mengikut faktor-faktor sosial dan ekonomi di Malaysia.

MERITOKRASI Pada dasarnya semua orang tahu makna perkataan ini dan prinsip meritrokrasi, tetapi ia tidak boleh dilaksanakan dalam erti kata yang sebenar kerana ada masanya anda perlu mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor tertentu yang lain.

Contohnya, mereka yang kekurangan, atau masyarakat yang tinggal di kawasan pedalaman, estet-estet dan perkampungan baru yang berada di luar arus perdana masyarakat yang lebih dinamik.

Sudah tentunya mereka ini memerlukan pertimbangan khas. Namun pada dasarnya, meritrokrasi bukan saja satu prinsip yang mulia, tetapi satu prinsip yang diperlukan untuk memacu Malaysia ke arah kejayaan yang lebih hebat. Sejak awal lagi saya telah membincangkan tentang budaya kecemerlangan dan satu daripada prinsip budaya kecemerlangan adalah prinsip meritrokrasi.

Jika anda memberikan penghargaan berasaskan kerana mereka adalah terbaik, sama ada orang yang terbaik untuk tugasan tersebut atau syarikat terbaik untuk mendapatkan kontrak, maka semua pihak akan menyedari bahawa mereka perlu berada di tahap tersebut.

Mereka perlu memberikan yang terbaik. Pada saya setelah menyedari bahawa mereka perlu memberikan yang terbaik, maka semua itu akan menyerlahkan yang terbaik daripada semua orang. Maka itu kita tidak mahu Malaysia tidak memberikan sebaik mungkin sebagai sebuah negara. Melihat kepada Malaysia, menggunakan terma sukan tinju, saya mahu melepaskan tumbukan melebihi had kategori berat badannya.

Jika anda menggunakan budaya kecemerlangan dan prinsip meritrokrasi ini, pada saya ia akan menjadi adunan yang diperlukan untuk kita memaksimakan potensi Malaysia.

Tentang langkah kerajaan ke arah meningkatkan meritrokrasi
Ia memang bermakna bahawa kepelbagaian aspek perkhidmatan kerajaan dan masyarakat secara keseluruhannya sewajarnya dibentuk berdasarkan meritrokrasi.

Sebagai contoh, pemerolehan kerajaan. Sewajarnya kita memperkenalkan satu polisi yang memastikan persaingan pembidaan kerana melalui persaingan pembidaan, peluang kita memilih syarikat terbaik untuk tugasan tersebut pada harga terendah dan pada masa yang sama mempunyai kemahiran yang diperakui adalah lebih besar berbanding pemilihan berasaskan tender perundingan, contohnya.

Prinsip penswastaan sekali pun, sebahagian daripada permasalahan yang dihadapi tentang asas pengswastaan di masa lalu, ketika kita terlalu kurangnya pengetahuan tentang bagaimana untuk melaksanakan pengswastaan, pada permulaannya kita telah menggunakan prinsip siapa dulu dia dapat.

Makanya jika anda mempunyai gagasan anda akan diberi peluang tersebut. Tetapi kenyataannya, memandang kebelakang adalah lebih baik untuk kita mengenal pasti perkhidmatan atau lapangan tertentu yang kita hendak swastakan dan membukanya untuk pembidaan.

Seterusnya cadangan terbaik boleh dipertimbangkan oleh kerajaan.

Jelaslah terdapat contoh-contoh khusus tentang bagaimana meritrokrasi boleh digunakan.

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 5: Loyalty, 8 Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 5: Kesetiaan

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 5: Loyalty
Monday, 20 April 2009

I believe that loyalty is a very important but often misunderstood and misused value.


I think loyalty is important because it is a cornerstone of trust. In any relationship, loyalty is important. As a friend, for example, you're loyal to your friend, because if you're loyal to your friend, it develops trust.

A personal bond between you and the other person. But I would define loyalty as something which should not be taken to the extreme where it's blind loyalty.

I think in the government service, for example, the government administration, certainly one needs to be loyal to the leader. But one should also be loyal to the leader for as long as the leader is also loyal, in the sense that the leader performs, the leader is committed to his work, is dedicated.

And loyalty does not mean that you cannot criticize, but of course you should criticize in the right manner, in the right place and the right time, for example. I would certainly appreciate that, whether it's in a personal relationship or in the context of my colleagues that there'll be a time and opportunity for them to offer some constructive views, for example, even criticism, which I think is necessary. But loyalty should also be coupled with ability.

You cannot just reward a person just because he or she is loyal, but you forget the fact that loyalty without performance, without ability will not be adequate. Loyalty is important, yes, but it has to be coupled with other considerations as well.

Yes I think gone are the days when loyalty should be misconstrued as blind faith, or as having a carte blanche in terms of personal relationship, that you can do whatever you like, and you get away with it. I think that's wrong. I think it would be a disservice in terms of personal relationship or whether it's in the government, that there is no room for constructive criticism or even dissent.

Provided it is done in a very correct manner, and with good intentions.

8 Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 5: Kesetiaan

Monday, 20 April 2009

Saya percaya bahawa kesetiaan merupakan satu nilai penting yang sering disalahtafsir dan disalahguna.


Pada saya kesetiaan adalah penting kerana ia adalah asas kepada kepercayaan. Dalam sebarang perhubungan, kesetiaan adalah penting. Contohnya sebagai kawan, anda setia kepada kawan anda, kerana kesetiaan tersebut akan membina kepercayaan.

Satu ikatan peribadi antara anda dengan seorang yang lain.

Tetapi saya juga mentafsir kesetiaan sebagai sesuatu yang tidak sepatutnya keterlaluan sehingga menjadi kesetiaan membuta tuli. Pada saya di dalam perkhidmatan kerajaan, sebagai contoh, pentadbiran kerajaan, semestinya seseorang itu perlu setia kepada pemimpin.

Tetapi seseorang itu hendaklah setia selagi pemimpin itu juga setia, dalam erti kata perlakuan pemimpin tersebut, komitednya pemimpin kepada tugasnya dan berdedikasi.

Kesetiaan juga tidak bermakna anda tidak boleh mengkritik, tetapi sudah tentu anda hendaklah mengkritik dengan cara yang betul, di tempat dan masa yang bertepatan.

Saya sudah tentu akan menghargainya, sama ada ianya perhubungan peribadi atau dalam konteks rakan sejawat bahawa akan adanya peluang dan waktu untuk mereka memberikan pandangan yang membina contohnya, malah kritikan yang pada saya adalah diperlukan.

Tetapi kesetiaan juga hendaklah disertai dengan keupayaan. Anda tidak boleh memberikan ganjaran kepada seseorang itu hanya kerana dia setia, tetapi melupakan kenyataan bahawa kesetiaan tanpa kemajuan dan keupayaan adalah tidak mencukupi.

Benar, kesetiaan adalah penting, tetapi ia perlu disertai dengan pertimbangan lain juga.

Ya, pada saya telah berlalunya hari-hari bila mana kesetiaan disalah anggap sebagai kepercayaan membuta tuli atau memiliki kuasa penuh dari segi perhubungan peribadi, yang mana anda boleh melakukan apa saja yang anda mahu dan tidak dipertanggungjawabkan. Pada saya itu adalah salah.

Pada saya ia adalah merugikan dari segi perhubungan peribadi atau sama ada di dalam kerajaan bahawa tiadanya ruang untuk kritikan membina mahu pun pertentangan pendapat. Tetapi ia hendaklah dilakukan dengan cara yang betul dan dengan niat yang baik.

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 4: Acceptance, 8 Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 4: Penerimaan

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 4: Acceptance

Thursday, 16 April 2009


On the importance of acceptance over tolerance.

I think there's quite a big difference between the two (tolerance and acceptance). I think when you say you tolerate, you don’t quite like it, but you accept it because you have no choice. But if you talk in terms of acceptance, it indicates a state of mind that you are embracing something positively.

I think it's important for us to migrate from this concept of mere tolerance to acceptance. Acceptance in the sense that you are ready to accept things. If you’re willing to accept things, if you embrace things willingly, then I think your capacity to look at things in a more positive manner is much better than mere tolerance.

I think that’s important because then you don’t have any baggage and you’re not weighed down by any negative pre-conceived notions and you’re willing to look at the best the person can offer. This is what we require for Malaysia. We have to get the best of the Malays, the best of the Chinese, the best of the Indians, the best of the others and mold them together so that collectively we’ll be much bigger than the sum of the individuals.

On the government's role in nurturing acceptance

I think we have to embark on policies that seem to be fair and implemented in a way that reflects our commitment. For example, when we talk about helping the poor, we must be helping the poor of all communities. And I think the poor of all communities deserve to be helped. So our programmes, our financial allocations must reflect the need to tackle the problems of the poor across all racial and ethnic lines. That’s an example of the policies on that level.

There is also the other consideration, for example, developing talent in Malaysia. I think every Malaysian should be able to accomplish the maximum in terms of his or her self-development. The system we have in place, the education system, the scholarships, the financial assistance, the opportunities should reflect this, that there are no limits. The limits are not set because of your ethnic background. The limits are set because of your own personal ability.

8 Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 4: Penerimaan

Thursday, 16 April 2009

Saya ingin memperkenalkan nilai utama 1 Malaysia yang seterusnya, iaitu Penerimaan.


Tentang kepentingan penerimaan berbanding toleransi

Saya rasa terdapat perbezaan yang agak ketara di antara keduanya (toleransi dan penerimaan).

Apabila anda menyebut toleransi, anda tidak berapa sukakannya, tetapi tetap menerimanya kerana anda tiada pilihan. Tetapi jika anda bercakap dari segi penerimaan, ia memperlihatkan keadaan pemikiran bahawa anda menerima sepenuhnya sesuatu itu secara positif.

Pada saya adalah penting bagi kita untuk beralih dari konsep toleransi semata-mata ini kepada penerimaan. Penerimaan dari segi anda bersedia untuk menerima sebarang perkara.

Jika anda sanggup menerima sebarang perkara, anda mengambil perkara tersebut dengan kerelaan, maka saya rasa kapasiti anda untuk melihat kepada semua perkara secara lebih positif adalah lebih baik berbanding toleransi semata-mata.

Pada saya itu adalah penting kerana selepas itu anda tidak lagi merasa terbeban dan anda tidak dipengaruhi oleh sebarang tanggapan melulu yang negatif dan mahu pula melihat kepada kemampuan terbaik yang boleh diberikan oleh seseorang itu.

Inilah yang kita perlukan untuk Malaysia. Kita perlu mendapatkan yang terbaik daripada bangsa Melayu, terbaik daripada bangsa Cina, bangsa India, semua kaum lain dan mengadun semua ini agar secara terkumpulnya kita akan menjadi jauh lebih besar berbanding bilangan kelompok kaum secara individu.

Tentang peranan kerajaan dalam memupuk penerimaan

Saya rasa kita perlu memulakan polisi yang kelihatan adil dan dilaksanakan dengan cara yang mencerminkan komitmen kita. Sebagai contoh, apabila kita bercakap tentang membantu mereka yang miskin, kita mesti membantu mereka yang miskin dalam semua golongan masyarakat. Dan pada saya golongan miskin dalam semua golongan masyarakat wajar dibantu. Maka semua program dan peruntukan kewangan kita wajib mencerminkan keperluan untuk mengatasi masalah golongan miskin merentasi semua lapisan etnik dan kaum.Itu adalah sebagai satu contoh polisi di peringkat tersebut.

Terdapat juga pertimbangan lain, contohnya membangunkan bakat di Malaysia. Pada saya setiap rakyat Malaysia sepatutnya berupaya untuk memenuhi sepenuhnya dari segi pembangunan diri mereka tanpa mengira jantina. Sistem sedia ada kita, sistem pendidikan, biasiswa, bantuan kewangan, semua peluang tersebut hendaklah mencerminkan semua ini, bahawa tidak terdapat sebarang had.

Had tidak ditentukan kerana latar belakang etnik anda. Had ditentukan adalah kerana keupayaan peribadi anda sendiri.

8 Values of 1 Malaysia Part 3 Humility, Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 3: Rendah Hati

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

8 Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 3: Humility
Tuesday, 14 April 2009


I think humility is an important trait to have. In the context of – let’s say for example if you’re a politician. If you’re a member of Parliament. To be humble basically is an asset because in our society, especially in our traditional society, they tend to appreciate people who exhibit the trait of being humble. In Islam, it is the concept of Tawaddu’, which is humility, translated as humility.

As you know in the Malay society, one is expected not to be too showy. When you go and do your work as a member of Parliament, for example, you must be able to fit in with the society. I’m very conscious of the fact that when I do my work as a member of Parliament that I’m at ease with that kind of situation. For example, if I’m in the surau, or I go to a house that belongs to a poor member of my constituency, I make sure that I behave in a way that I will make the person feel comfortable, and I’m not going there and looking down on or having a patronizing attitude towards them. So basically I think it is an asset. But being humble must not be a sign of weakness either.

In certain societies, it tends to be misinterpreted as a sign of weakness. When you deal with outsiders, for example, there are times when you need to show your strength. You need to show your confidence, because when you are seen as being too humble in their perspective, it is deemed as a sign of weakness.

So I think it is also quite situational, you must realize that within the Malaysian society it is an asset, but there are times when you are dealing with the world that you do need to show your strength and your success, but not in a heavy-handed manner.

Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 3: Rendah Hati

Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Rasa rendah hati adalah satu sifat yang penting untuk dimiliki. Dalam konteks – contohnya katakanlah jika anda seorang ahli politik. Begitu juga jika anda seorang ahli parlimen.

Bersikap rendah diri pada dasarnya adalah satu aset kerana di dalam masyarakat kita, terutamanya masyarakat tradisional, mereka cenderung menghargai orang yang memperlihatkan sifat merendah diri. Dalam Islam, ia adalah konsep Tawaddu`, yakni rendah hati. Sebagaimana yang anda ketahui di dalam masyarakat Melayu, seseorang itu tidak boleh menunjuk-nunjuk. Contohnya, apabila anda keluar melakukan tugas sebagai seorang ahli parlimen, anda mestilah boleh menyesuaikan diri dengan masyarakat.

Saya sangat menyedari akan keadaan bahawa apabila saya melakukan tugas saya sebagai ahli parlimen, saya sangat selesa dengan keadaan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, jika saya berada di dalam surau atau pergi ke rumah penduduk miskin di dalam kawasan saya, saya memastikan tingkah laku saya tidak akan membuatkan mereka berasa tidak selesa, dan pemergian saya ke sana bukanlah bertujuan memandang rendah atau bersikap menghina mereka. Maka itu pada saya ia adalah satu aset.

Namun begitu, bersikap rendah diri bukanlah sebagai satu petanda kelemahan. Dalam masyarakat tertentu, ia cenderung disalah ertikan sebagai satu petanda kelemahan.

Apabila berurusan dengan orang luar contohnya, adakalanya anda perlu menunjukkan kekuatan anda. Anda perlu memperlihatkan keyakinan kerana apabila anda dilihat sebagai rendah diri pada sudut pandangan mereka, ia dianggap sebagai satu petanda kelemahan.

Maka itu saya merasakan ia juga adalah mengikut keadaan, anda mesti sedar bahawa dalam lingkungan masyarakat Malaysia, ia adalah satu aset, tetapi ada waktunya apabila anda berurusan dengan dunia luar anda perlu memperlihatkan kekuatan dan kejayaan anda, tetapi bukanlah dengan cara penindasan.

Values of 1Malaysia Part 2, Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 2: Ketabahan

Taken from
By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak

Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 2: Perseverance
Wednesday, 08 April 2009

I believe that the second key value of 1 Malaysia is a mainstay for all nations that have survived challenging periods in their history. Hence, the significance of perseverance as a value that all Malaysians must develop and nurture is tremendous, particularly in present times.

Life is never easy. Any notion that life is kind of a linear curve that goes up and up all the way I think is a fallacy. One should expect that life is a series of ups and downs.

But if you are someone who believes in hard work, and if you are totally dedicated, and if you persevere against all odds, then whenever you come across against any adversity, then you are able to ride through the storm and be able to put yourself back on track, you've got to appreciate and understand that there are times when you face difficulties.

And it is the same with Malaysia as a nation, we've faced many crises before, whether it's the financial crisis, whether it’s against the communists or against some other turbulent time in our history. But each time we have been able to weather the crisis and emerge stronger as a nation.

But all that has been achieved because we’ve been able to put our minds to it. We've worked very hard and we've always been able to persevere against the odds and eventually prove the skeptics wrong.

On persevering through personal challenges
Throughout my life I've always had to put in that little bit extra effort to prove myself because I didn’t want people to look at me and say "he's there because he has a name, or his family name has propelled him there".

Granted, I’ve had that advantage, but at the same time, it's also a kind of a burden because you always have to prove yourself that you deserve it. And I've always been conscious of the fact that I needed to show that I could do the job, and do it well.

And in terms of personal setbacks, I think the most poignant in my memory would be the political setback I experienced in my own constituency back in 1999, when I scraped through with a very small majority of 241.
At that time, people said I would be history in a short time, and some of them event suggested that I change constituencies.

But I remained steadfast and I told myself that whatever it is, I want to continue to fight. If I have to go down, I’ll go down fighting. And I told myself I can prove the skeptics wrong and lo and behold, within 4 years, a small majority, a slender majority of 241 was translated to a massive majority of 22,922 and as you know in the last General Election, I achieved the best in performance in terms of BN majority for any parliamentary constituency when I managed to garner 226, 464.

That was the size of my majority. But I don’t think that I could have gotten that massive majority if not for the setback in 1999. When I experienced the setback, I realized that I needed to do more. I needed to be more creative, I needed to approach things differently, and that has produced the incredible change and improvement, a massive improvement.

Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia - Bahagian 2: Ketabahan
08 April 2009

Saya percaya bahawa nilai utama 1 Malaysia yang seterusnya merupakan tulang belakang bagi semua negara yang pernah berjaya mengatasi zaman-zaman yang mencabar dalam sejarah mereka. Maka, pengertian nilai ketabahan sebagai satu nilai yang wajib dipupuk dan dibentuk oleh setiap rakyat Malaysia itu sangat dalam, terutamanya dalam tempoh waktu ini.

KETABAHAN Kehidupan bukan semuanya mudah.

Sebarang tanggapan bahawa kehidupan adalah lakaran lurus yang sentiasa mendaki tanpa penghujungnya pada saya adalah suatu salah anggapan. Seseorang itu hendaklah menerima kehidupan sebagai satu siri naik dan turun. Tetapi jika anda adalah seorang yang percaya kepada kerja keras, sepenuhnya berdedikasi, dan jika anda tabah menghadapi segala dugaan, maka apabila anda berhadapan dengan sebarang rintangan, semestinya anda akan berupaya mengharungi rintangan yang dihadapi dan berupaya meletakkan diri anda ke pangkal jalan, anda perlu menghargai dan memahami bahawa ada masa-masanya kesukaran perlu dihadapi.

Begitu jugalah Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara, kita telah berhadapan dengan berbagai krisis sebelum ini, sama ada krisis kewangan, menentang komunis atau berhadapan dengan waktu-waktu bergolak di dalam sejarah kita.

Namun pada setiap keadaan kita telah berjaya mengharungi krisis tersebut dan menjadi lebih kuat sebagai sebuah negara. Tetapi semua itu telah dicapai kerana kita telah memberikan tumpuan sepenuhnya kepada permasalahan tersebut.

Kita telah berkerja dengan gigih dan sentiasa menghadapi rintangan dengan ketabahan dan akhirnya membuktikan bahawa para pewaham kita adalah salah.
Tentang ketabahan mengharungi perubahan peribadi Disepanjang kehidupan saya, saya sentiasa perlu berusaha lebih daripada biasa demi membuktikan kemampuan diri kerana saya tidak mahu orang lain memandang kepada saya dan berkata "dia berada di situ kerana nama, atau nama keluarganya melonjakkannya ke situ".

Benar, saya memiliki kelebihan tersebut, namun pada masa yang sama ia seakan satu bebanan kerana anda perlu sentiasa membuktikan bahawa anda wajar mendapat semua itu.

Malah saya sentiasa menyedari bahawa saya perlu menunjukkan saya mampu melakukannya, dan melakukannya dengan baik.

Dan dalam hal kekecewaan peribadi, rasa saya yang paling memilukan dalam ingatan adalah kekecewaan politik yang saya alami di kawasan saya sendiri pada 1999, apabila saya menang tipis dengan majoriti yang sangat kecil iaitu 241.

Pada masa itu, ramai yang berkata tidak lama lagi saya akan menjadi sejarah, dan lebih daripada itu sebahagian daripada mereka mencadangkan supaya saya bertukar kawasan.

Tetapi saya kekal berpendirian teguh dan menyatakan pada diri sendiri walau apa sekali pun saya akan terus berjuang. Jika saya perlu jatuh rebah, saya akan rebah dalam perjuangan.

Dan saya menyatakan pada diri sendiri saya boleh membuktikan bahawa para pewaham adalah silap dan nah, lihatlah, dalam jangka masa 4 tahun, majoriti yang kecil, majoriti tipis 241 telah dijelmakan kepada majoriti besar berjumlah 22,922 dan sebagaimana yang anda ketahui, pada Pilihan Raya Umum yang lepas saya mencapai kejayaan terbaik dari segi majoriti BN untuk sebarang kawasan pemilihan Parlimen apabila saya berjaya meraih 26,464.

Itulah saiz majoriti yang saya perolehi. Tetapi saya tidak fikir mampu mendapat majoriti sebegitu besar jika tidak kerana kekecewaan pada 1999.

Apabila mengalami kekecewaan tersebut, saya menyedari perlunya melakukan lebih lagi. Saya perlu menjadi lebih kreatif serta perlu membawa pendekatan yang berbeza, dan semua itu telah menghasilkan perubahan dan peningkatan tersebut, peningkatan besar yang menakjubkan.

Values of 1Malaysia Part 1, Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia – Bahagian 1: Budaya Kecemerlangan

Taken from

By the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Najib Tun Abdul Razak.

Values of 1 Malaysia - Part 1: A Culture of Excellence
Sunday, 05 April 2009

Since I took office as Prime Minister, I found it very encouraging that public acceptance of the 1Malaysia concept has been warm and enthusiastic. While we continue to strive and double our efforts to improve our actions and processes within the government, another key feature in ensuring our success are the values that we must instill to complement our efforts.

True enough, action speak louder than words.
While these values are not mutually exclusive, I have chosen a set of eight values that I believe are important to us all.

I encourage you to continue visiting my personal website as i introduce these set of values throughout the month. Hopefully we can all take these values to heart.

Please continue to share your views and constructive criticisms; it is a clear sign that our dialogue is gaining momentum.

I start today by introducing the first value - Culture of Excellence.

I truly believe that for us to transform Malaysia and take Malaysia to greater heights of success and achievement the one overarching value that will ensure that Malaysia is on the right trajectory is to make sure that we are imbued with the Culture of Excellence.

Because if you have a set of values which would indicate that you have the Culture of Excellence, then everything else will flow and emanate from having this Culture of Excellence.
It is basically a work in progress. But you have to set into motion the kind of things that will actually lead to people realizing the importance of having this Culture of Excellence.

For example, by introducing more and more the principle of meritocracy. Then you are stressing on importance of performance, and performance is very much related to the Culture of Excellence.
On the aspects of the Culture of Excellence I think we have to identify the subsets that relate to the Culture of Excellence.

For example being known as a society which believes in the principles of precision. That is a subset of the Culture of Excellence. In other words, you are precise. You are precise in terms of measurement, in terms of time management, in terms of delivery schedule, in terms of quality.

If Malaysia is known as a nation that emphasizes on quality and excellence, then every single product that comes from Malaysia, every single service that originates from Malaysia would be seen as having this quality and excellence which is demanded by the world.

I hope to stress a lot on performance based leadership. In other words if you want to transform Malaysia, transformation must be based on performance-based leadership.

In the sense that you have specific goals, and your performance can be measured. You can keep track, you can monitor, you can make corrective action.

You can even make whatever changes necessary along the way. But it is important for us to have a sense that we are progressing, we are getting better.
I mean, this whole notion of time, Malaysian time, which people make as a joke.

Being timely – timeliness in whatever you do. I think that is something people can relate to and see that in the daily lives of all Malaysians.

These are the things that I think we can bring about, this greater awareness for us to make the necessary changes. And if you say in terms of how do we internalize this change, I mean, certain expressions like lebih kurang – it should not be that anymore as part of our lexicon of words that we use on a daily basis.

We must be more precise in whatever we do, we say, in whatever we want to achieve.
On learning about the Culture of Excellence My late father was a great motivator, although I didn’t realize it at the time. But very subtly, he imbued us with this desire to succeed and to be the best amongst us, amongst my peers in class, for example.

My late father instituted a kind of reward scheme, a small sum of money. Not a princely sum, a small sum of money will be awarded to us if we were to achieve being the number one, top of the class in a given exam or test.

It’s not just the money, but you could see the happiness in him if you were to become the top student in your class and the sheer disappointment etched in his face if you fall less than that. That was the starting point in my life to realize how important it is to succeed and to do well in everything that you undertake.

Nilai-nilai 1 Malaysia – Bahagian 1: Budaya Kecemerlangan

Sunday, 05 April 2009

Sejak mengambil alih jawatan Perdana Menteri, saya dapati reaksi bersemangat dari pihak awam mengenai konsep 1 Malaysia amat menggalakkan. Sambil kita terus bergiat dan menggandakan usaha untuk memperbaiki segala tindakan dan proses dalam kerajaan, perlu saya tekankan satu lagi ciri utama dalam memastikan kejayaan kita iaitu nilai-nilai yang perlu diterap bagi melengkapkan usaha-usaha tersebut.

Memang benar, tindakan itu lebih dalam kesannya dari kata-kata sahaja.

Saya telah mengenalpasti sebanyak lapan nilai yang tidak saling eksklusif yang saya percaya adalah penting untuk kita semua. Diharap anda semua terus mengunjungi lawan web peribadi saya di mana saya akan memperkenalkan setiap nilai secara berperingkat sepanjang bulan ini. Semoga nilai-nilai ini dalam dipupuk dalam jiwa kita semua.

Sila terus berkongsi pandangan dan kritikan membina anda; inilah tanda yang jelas bahawa momentum dialog kita sedang meningkat.
Hari ini saya memperkenalkan nilai yang pertama – Budaya Kecemerlangan.


Saya benar-benar percaya bahawa demi mengubah Malaysia dan membawa Malaysia ke tahap kejayaan dan pencapaian yang lebih tinggi, satu nilai yang melungkungi nilai-nilai lain yang akan memastikan Malaysia menuju trajektori yang betul ialah untuk kita menanamkan Budaya Kecemerlangan.

Ini kerana jika anda mempunyai satu set nilai-nilai yang menandakan anda mempraktikkan Budaya Kecemerlangan, segalanya akan berkembang dan beralir dari Budaya tersebut.
Secara dasar, ianya satu usaha berterusan.

Namun anda perlu menjanakan perkara-perkara yang akan mendorong orang ramai untuk menyedari betapa pentingnya Budaya Kecemerlangan. Sebagai contoh, dengan memperkenalkan dengan lebih banyak prinsip meritokrasi. Dari situ, anda akan menegaskan kepentingan prestasi, dan prestasi itu banyak berpaut kepada Budaaya Kecemerlangan.

Berkenaan aspek-aspek Budaya Kecemerlangan Saya rasakan kita perlu mengenalpasti subset-subset yang berkaitan dengan Budaya Kecemerlangan. Sebagai contoh, bagi dikenali sebagai sebuah masyarakat yang percaya kepada prinsip ketepatan.

Ianya satu subset Budaya Kecemerlangan. Dalam erti kata lain, anda mementingkan ketepatan. Ketepatan dari segi pengukuran, dari segi menguruskan masa, dari segi jadual penyampaian, dari segi kualiti. Jika Malaysia dikenali sebagai sebuah negara yang menekankan kualiti dan kecemerlangan, maka setiap produk yang datang dari Malaysia, setiap perkhidmatan yang berasal dari Malaysia akan dilihat seperti mempunyai kualiti dan nilai cemerlang yang diinginkan oleh dunia.
Saya harap dapat memberi penekanan kepada kepimpinan berasaskan prestasi.

Dalam erti kata lain, jika anda mahu mengubah Malaysia, perubahan mestilah berteraskan kepimpinan yang berasaskan prestasi. Ini bermakna anda mempunyai matlamat-matlamat khusus, dan prestasi anda boleh diukur. Anda boleh mengawas, anda boleh memantau, anda boleh mengambil tindakan pembetulan.

Anda boleh juga membuat sebarang perubahan jika perlu. Tetapi ianya penting untuk kita merasakan bahawa kita sedang mengalami kemajuan, bahawa kita semakin maju.
Maksud saya, pengertian waktu, ‘waktu Malaysia’, yang sering dijadikan bahan jenaka orang ramai. Tentang menjaga masa, ketepatan masa dalam apa jua yang anda lakukan.

Saya rasa ianya satu perkara yang boleh difahami semua orang dan dilihat dalam gaya hidup semua rakyat Malaysia. Ini antara perkara-perkara yang kita boleh ketengahkan, mengingkatkan kesedaran untuk merubah di mana perlu. Dan dari segi cara untuk membatinkan perubahan ini, contohnya, pernyataan seperti ‘lebih kurang’ – ia sepatutnya tidak wujud lagi dalam leksikon perkataan-perkataan yang kita gunapakai seharian.

Kita perlu lebih tepat dalam setiap perbuatan, pertuturan, dalam apa sahaja yang ingin dicapai.
Tentang mempelajari Budaya Kecemerlangan Arwah ayahanda saya seorang ahli motivasi, biarpun saya tidak menyedari hakikat itu pada awalnya. Tetapi secara halus, beliau menerapkan dalam jiwa kami satu keinginan untuk berjaya dan menjadi yang terbaik di kalangan rakan seperjuangan, contohnya di dalam bilik darjah.

Arwah mendirikan satu skim ganjaran, sejumlah wang yang kecil. Jumlahnya tidak lumayan, hanya sedikit wang yang akan dihadiahkan jika kami berjaya menduduki tempat pertama di dalam mana-mana ujian atau peperiksaan. Ianya bukan tentang ganjaran wang, tetapi jelas kegembiraan yang beliau rasai bila anda menjadi pelajar terbaik di dalam kelas, dan kekecewaan di riak wajahnya jika anda tidak berjaya.

Itulah titik tolak dalam hidup saya untuk menyedari betapa pentingnya untuk berjaya dan berusaha dengan gigih dalam segala perbuatan.

Monday, April 27, 2009

In a Flash 27 April 2009




The Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency (MMEA) will build a new air base in Kota Kinabalu next year, its second air base after the one at Subang.

MMEA air branch director First Admiral Zammani Mohd Amin said the Sabah air base would make safeguarding the country's territorial waters and search and rescue (SAR) operation more efficient.
He said this at the handing over ceremony for MMEA Northern Region Chief in Bukit Malut.

He said he hopes that his successor Maritime Admiral Zulkifli Abu Bakar from the Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) would succeed in checking piracy ion the country's territorial northern waters.

Zammani said to achieve this, MMEA need to have more sophisticated boats and equipments to move fast particularly in bad weather conditions adding that assistance from the air branch will make MMEA's efforts at sea more effective.

MMEA personnel also need to upgrade their knowledge as they have to enforcement laws under several acts like the Customs and Fisheries Act.

Also present was Deputy Chief Director, Maritime Rear Admiral, Dato' Noor Aziz Yunan.


The Information, Communication and Culture Ministry would launch a contest to identify the best composer for the '1Malaysia' song.

Its Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim said just like other patriotic songs that inculcate patriotism in their composition, especially songs like 'Budi Bahasa Budaya Kita' and those to promote reading, the Ministry also wants the 'IMalaysia' song lyrics to have all the values that can attract listeners.

He told reporters after attending a dinner hosted by Kelab Rekreasi Warga Tua, Kuala Klawang last night.

Dr Rais who is also Jelebu Member of Parliament said the song composition would have the representation of all races.

The '1Malaysia' song, to be in composed in Bahasa Malaysia, would be widely aired on all TV and radio stations, just like what Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had wished for.

Meanwhile, Dr Rais also said that he was surprised with his appointment to the Umno Supreme Council by Umno President Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak last Friday.

He said he did not expect to be among those appointed but he is deeply honoured with the announcement and hope to do his very best to strengthen the party.


Sungai Merbok, Lembah Bujang and Pantai Merdeka in Kedah will be given a face-lift as these areas will be developed into the latest tourist destination.

This is after the tourism ministry has approved 1.5 million ringgit allocation to upgrade the areas for tourists.

General Manager of Kedah state tourism council, Dato Othman Aziz said these destinations are suitable for tourist for more than one reason.

He added, for example Sungai Merbok with Gunung Jerai in the background has four thousand one hundred fourteen acres of mangrove forest containing thirty-six mangrove species with more than seventy species of birds apart from other species.

This area will be upgraded with water sports facilities.

He then added Lembah Bujang with its historical value and Pantai Merdeka with its natural beauty will also be upgraded to be more attractive to tourists.

He was speaking to RTM at the closing ceremony for Merbok Go Green Challenge 2009 in Sungai Petani, yesterday.

He added KTAC will intensify the promotion for the state.




Sunday, April 26, 2009

Lasagna Part II- At Baby's Place...

Caution: Pix contains Cheese, Beef and a Pregnant Lady... Huhu...

1. Lasagna arrived looking like stacked up roti canai banjir...

2. Babyneline showing extreme self-control.

3. I think she is really happy.


Hmmm... Sunday...

Boring Sunday...

Day seven of the Pulut Durian Madness...

Hung Out Watching Ferries Ferrying about...

First Plate!

Second Helping!

Friendly Miaow-Miaow!

How to Make Lasagna- Lisham Style!

1. Prepare Beef, onion, capsicum, chinese celery Bolognaise.

2. Prepare the Mushroom Nutmeg Bechamel.

3. Soften Lasagna sheets in WARM water!

4. Line the baking pan with butter... Put the first layer of Lasagna sheets.

5. Spread Beef Bolognaise.

6. Place shredded canned tomatoes randomly.

7. Sprinkle Parmesan

8. Pour Mushroom Nutmeg Bechamel.

9. Repeat with pasta sheets, bolognaise, tomatoes, cheese, bechamel.

10. The semi-finished Lasagna- Lisham Style...

11. Siap!

12. Test Drive Time!

Gaga is Really Gaga-ish

'Suppressed' schoolgirl Lady Gaga

'Poker Face' singer Lady Gaga, who is renowned for her risque outfits, was teased at school for experimenting with fashion.

Lady Gaga had to "suppress" herself during her schooldays.

The 'Poker Face' singer - famed for her outrageous dress sense - liked to experiment with fashion when she was younger but was mocked by her peers so felt she could no longer express herself through clothes.

She said: "When I was at high school, I had to wear a uniform but I always bent the rules, by pulling my skirt up or shirt down and was told I was being too provocative.

"When we had off-days where we didn't have to wear uniforms, I used to wear my outfits and I would really get made fun of. It lost me my self-confidence and I suppressed myself for a while."

The 'Let's Dance' also revealed her mother helped pick out her outfits and was happy to buy her unusual items of clothing.

She said: "My mom helped me express myself and she'd come home with items such as Spandex, air brush T-shirts, bright coloured visors and all things other people wouldn't wear."

Hahaha... No freaking wonder!!!

Moral of the story... Never tease your school mates / office mates or else in five years we'll have another Lady/Mister Gaga... The real global warming cometh~ Bring the big flood!

In a Flash 26 April 2009


Former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has urged the government to consider the Malaysian Ex-Police Association's appeal for allowances be given to the auxiliary police who served during the emergency.

He said this at a function organized by the association at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur yesterday.

Dr Mahathir who is the association's patron also advised police personnel who wanted to venture into businesses after retirement to attend courses first so that their retirement fund would not be lost.

The association's president, Shafie Bakri, said the auxiliary police during the emergency served for only ten years and according to the Public Service Department regulations, they do not qualify for pension.

He added most of the ex-police are between eighty and ninety years of age adding that most of them are living in hardship and we should help those who had served for the country.

Present were Dr Mahathir's wife Tun Dr Siti Hasmah, Information, Communication and Culture Minister Datuk Seri Rais Yatim who is also the association's welfare adviser and wife Datin Seri Masnah Rais.


The government will step up efforts to stimulate the economy, particularly in raising local demand to balance the reduction in exports as a result of the global economic crisis, Second Finance Minister Datuk Seri Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah said yesterday.

Ahmad Husni said studies have shown that the global economic crisis is expected to be over only around the end of next year but the government through the Finance Ministry has continued to take measures to boost the economy.

According to him, the impact of the two economic stimulus packages totalling sixty seven billion ringgit and currently in the process of implementation will be seen in the third and fourth quarters of this year.

He added that the ministry is confident the global economy will recover and what can be done now is to stimulate the domestic economy. Due to the economic downturn, the demand for export products has dropped drastically.
Ahmad Husni, who is also the MP for Tambun, said the 1Malaysia concept introduced by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak was significant in the efforts to improve the national economy.

He said the presence of various communities, religions and cultures marked the country's uniqueness and strength in attracting foreign tourists, and as a result helping the economy to grow through the tourism sector.

On his latest appointment as Umno treasurer-general, Ahmad Husni said he would carry out the responsibility to the best of his ability.



Saturday, April 25, 2009

In a Flash 25 April 2009

IN A FLASH 250409



Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak will announce the much-anticipated liberalization measures for the financial sector on Monday.

This will be his second major announcement on the country's market liberalization plan following the measures announced for 27 sub-sectors in the services industry on Wednesday.

The move to liberalize the services sector has been welcomed by the local business community and foreign investors, who say it will create a conducive business climate in the country and make the economy more competitive on the world stage.

Najib, who is also Finance Minister, said this when asked whether Malaysia will consider increasing foreign ownership in banks.

He said the Umno Supreme Council meeting had taken into view the recent changes announced by the government.

As for the liberalization of the twenty-seven services sub-sectors, he said it was not a sudden move but it had been studied by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry for two years and considered by the Economic Council.

Najib said the change was in synch with changes made by other Asean member nations. He added that Malaysia was lagging in the opening of its services sector.


The government has decided to set up a Cabinet committee on human capital development, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said Friday night.

He said the decision was made by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak at the meeting of the Cabinet last week.

Speaking at a function to honour students with excellent results in the 2008 UPSR, PMR and SPM examinations in the Batu parliamentary constituency here, Muhyiddin said he himself would chair the committee.
He said the development of human capital is most important for the progress of the country.

Muhyiddin, who is also the education minister, said it was the government policy to provide as wide an opportunity as possible for the people, especially the young generation, to acquire as much knowledge as possible.

He also said that the prime minister had expressed the desire for the creation of a precision society.

At the function, two-hundred ten students received cash awards, certificates and souvenirs.



Leeches Off...

The thought of an icky leech crawling on them makes most people shudder. It’s such a horrible thought! To have this ribby, squirmy, somehow-stuck-to-you thing sucking your blood…gross!

Okay, wormy things are a bit creepy. But there are other types of leeches that do far worse things to you than suck your blood and fall off. There are emotional leeches, productivity leeches, and financial leeches to contend with, as well.

It’s helpful to know how to remove any of the leeches from you, just in case you ever get one attached. This three-part series will give you tips on identifying and removing them. This first part covers real leeches and emotional leeches.

The trick here is to understand the difference between those people you can help and who'll help you and those people who are just draining your energy, time, and money. I am in no way implying that you shouldn't help others or that all people who need help are leeches.

How to Identify and Remove a Real Leech

Description: Leeches are worm-like predatory invertebrates which live in fresh water, marine water, and on land. They survive by sucking on and ingesting the nutrients from their hosts.


  1. Recognize that you have a leech on you
  2. Leeches secrete an anesthetic so their hosts are unaware of their presence. If you feel something on you and try to remove it only to find that it will not come off on its own accord, you probably have a leech. You could also have a tick, but those aren’t wormlike.

  3. Find out where it’s actually attached:
  4. The leech is attached by an oral sucker at its skinny end, not by the gripped on the fat end.

  5. Place a fingernail down next to the oral sucker and slowly push it away.
  6. Do not grab a leech by its fat end and pull, as this may cause the leech to regurgitate and cause further infection. It is also inadvisable to burn or place chemical agents on the leech, as this may also cause it to regurgitate.

  7. Once the leech is detached from your body, get rid of immediately, as it will try to reattach itself.
  8. The leech may curl up and reattach itself to your finger. A sudden, forceful flick should remove the leech from your finger.


  • A leech will feed on you as long as it can or until it is full. At that point, the leech will drop off, as your blood will provide subsistence for it for several months.
  • The relatively small amount of blood sucked by the leech will not cause death. The wound will heal after several hours if it is properly cleaned. The aggregate effect of many leeches may drain you and decrease your physical performance
  • Leeches require a relatively flat, stable surface to attach themselves to. They are generally found in still water, on docks, and in other places where they can move themselves to potential hosts.
  • Leeches have incredible senses and can sense heat and movement up to ten feet away. Keep moving and wear clothing that covers your skin in order to avoid leech bites.

How to Remove and Identify an Emotional Leech

Description: Emotional leeches are people drain your emotional energy. Some variants include the Drama Queen, the Continual Crisis Crackhead, and the Complaining Coworker. Be careful of the families of emotional leeches, for the family may breed and propagate leechdom.


  1. Recognize that you have a leech on you
  2. It’s sometimes hard to recognize a leech because it initially may provide a shoulder to cry on or an ear to listen to your problems. However, once a leech attaches itself, you will find that you become emotionally drained around it every time it is in your proximity. If you find yourself avoiding contact with a person because s/he brings you down, odds are you have an emotional leech.

  3. Find out where it’s actually attached
  4. Emotional leeches normally exploit an admirable trait that you have and thus make that trait a flaw. For example, if you are the type of person that will talk to anyone if it makes their day feel better, the leech harnesses that trait and always find you to talk to. If you give good advice, the leech will approach you under the ruse of needing advice. Find out why and how the leech is attached to you before you attempt to remove it. (See notes below)

  5. Calmly inform the leech that you can no longer provide it emotional support.
  6. If you approach the leech the wrong way, it may regurgitate on you and make you feel like crap. If you have not identified how it is attached to you, it will only dig in deeper and make itself all the harder to remove in the future. Under no circumstance should you blow up or become emotionally hostile with the leech, as it will definitely regurgitate on you and make you feel like crap.

  7. Once the leech is detached from you, get rid of it immediately, as it will try to reattach itself.
  8. The leech will attempt to make contact with you again, since it will think that you were having a bad day or some such. Avoid the leech whenever possible, and do not answer phone calls unless you absolutely have to. If the leech begins sucking on you again, quickly detach it before it fully reattaches.


  • An emotional leech will feed on you for as long as it can or until it is full. At that point, it will find something else to do, as your energy will provide subsistence for it for several days.
  • Emotional leeches that are removed poorly will find a way to reattach themselves. Successive attempts to remove leeches become increasingly difficult, as your emotional reserve and ability to fight them is diminished every time they reattach themselves.
  • The relatively small amount of energy sucked by the emotional leech will not cause you too much harm. You will recover your energy after several hours if you have proper ways to recharge your emotional reserve. The aggregate effect of many emotional leeches may drain you and cause depression.
  • Emotional leeches require a relatively stable, happy person to attach themselves to. They are generally found in places where people are having a good time, as it is easier for them to spot potential hosts.
  • Emotional leeches are incredibly perceptive and can sense happiness and helpfulness from across a crowded room. Keep moving and interacting with people in order to avoid their attaching themselves to you.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Long Friday-Day

So kenyang!!!!! Dono what to write... Maybe I'll come back and story the mory later...

Curry Mee (RM3.50) and Longan Tea (RM1.50) at Taman Langkawi Food Court.

David demonstrating how to look cool sipping hot tea on a hot day.

He can use chopsticks and he's good too.

Big giant squirrel on the wire.

Drove all the way to Ayer Hangat to buy this - Siamese Pulut Ayam (RM2)

Pulut Durian (RM4.50), Ayer Hangat Night Market
Forget roses, if you love someone buy them pulut durian...

Bought 3 packets of this and ate them all! Cream Puffs (RM20) from Bread Story.

Koay Teow Kung Fu (RM4.50) at Kedai Simpang.

Alien Cat with Glowing Eyes. NOT! Friendly Miaow Miaow !