Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My Weird Fish Story

Warning: Long fish rant, below.

A few days back I came home to find my South American Lungfish half floating and bent and all of his/her long fins eaten by shrimp... It was stuck between the intake pump to the side-hanging box filter.

I thought it was gone which was such a pity as I reared this fish from 4 inches to 13 inches in 8 months.

I scooped it up and thought to myself that I'd let it die peacefully in a floating basket in my longnose Gar rearing tank.

It lay there half submerged and the skin that was exposed to air dried. I swear my house stank of dead fish the night I came back late but it was late and I decided that maybe I'll get rid of it tomorrow. That didn't happened as I woke up late.

I spent the whole day thinking about contacting the fish shop to bring in some more South American Lungfish and thinking about my dead lungfish at home.

When I came back that day, I saw the lungfish motionless and it was light grey and very pale so I thought it was dead... I scooped it and it swam away...

It was not dead. Or it might have died and came back to life.

It has happened before. 

The end.