Sunday, November 23, 2008

I May Look Happy But...

My Heart is Yours.

What the hell does that means?

Well, it means something.

Science tells us that the body cannot function without a heart. Real heart or a fake one. Doesn't matter, as long as there's something there to pump and circulate blood around the body.


I give you my heart (but I'll need yours in return because science taught me so and so...)

So what happens when one's heart-broken?

People deal with this is a very individual way. Some people do this, some people do that,some people refuse to do anything.

I'm happy today. Yes. I am.

But the funny thing is, the happier I get in public, the more depressed I am when I'm alone. It's like a scale, with the zero feeling set in the middle, with happiness at one end and that familiar shitty feeling at the other end and the mark moves both ways at once...

It sounds confusing I know, but imagine for a second to where I'm at.

So yesterday went full circle... Had a great time hanging out until 2 pagi with Madonna and friends.

Had a great time with Halina, Piena, Kak Ani and friends, had a great time with Dato' Ranjit, Dato Khairi, Encik Rashid, Captain Rana and the HMA boys from batch 14, had a great time at the kenduri and Abang Shams' birthday bash, had a shitty time driving home due to the fact that I forgot my thumbdrive and had to listen to my break-up soundtrack. Hopefully no one noticed the last bit...

Life, death, joy, sorrow, love, hate, meaning... Big thoughts, short reflection.

Almost six months now since you left the keys, to my house and to my heart... I'd still be yours if you still want me.

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