Thursday, September 18, 2008


Have you ever experienced a day in your life, when you thought that you're hungry, you went on and ate something, but then you realised that you're not really hungry. Then you started doing something else and all of sudden you feel itchy at the back of your neck and when you scratched you realised that the itchiness is not really there but elsewhere and you ended up like a monkey scratching all over. Then you stopped.

Then you felt thirsty and made yourself something to drink, just as you wrere pouring hot water into you cup, you dont feel thirsty at all. Then you stripped and stepped into the shower and dreaded as the first touch of the cold water hit your back and you quickly stepped out, half-hearted dry yourself. You let your towell fall down and you just stood there. Naked in the middle of your house. You feel like breaking something but there's nothing left to break. You call someone for temporary relief from boredom/loneliness/restlessness/yearning/longing/desire/whatever by the time you finished keying in his/her number you had your second-thought and cut the call.

You do some house-cleaning only half-way then you realised that you're making more mess than cleaning. You put on some music but half-way the first verse you didn't like the song and you went through 180 gigs worth of music by pressing next, next, next until you get bored and made another appointment to your piercer to have yet another piercing, while your latest piercing is still bleeding.

I am now. This is the long version.

The short version is I'm feeling restless.

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