Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I am so Lonely. Words cannot Describe.

Saw Ez on TV.

Didn't know that we can watch RTM1, RTM2, TV3 on the net.

Heh. Now we know.

Then repotted the plants. Broke off 1 huge N. bicalcarata pitcher. Beruk tol.

Takde mood dah nak mengubah pasu.

Went online. Geminians are a handful. Enuff said.

Then the phone rang. Unknown number.

Usually I dont answer unknown number but I did anyway. Safuan of S.I.M. band called to say hi...

That's really really really really really really really really really really really ODD.

Anyway, he called just to say hi.

So I continued repotting my plants. Layan sms ngan Ez. Menambahsemakkan umah aku. Cam biasa.

Then another unknown number. Land-line.

Angkat. Halo. Jabatan Bomba. Huh? Rupa2nya, benda yang aku booking dah sampai! Comel siot.

Aku belanja satu balai bomba sebab benda nih... Takpe, malam tak ramai offcier yang bertugas.

(Tiba2 je buat sora MC formal) Dengan ini, kami dengan berbesar hati, memperkenalkan my pet and also my long-term companion... (Sound effect) TADA!

My Baby waktu mula2 sampai umah.

My baby after 10 minutes stopped biting, sejuk, ske la tu tido atas tangan orang.

My Baby lagi... Comelkan?

Ok... Juliana told me that I'm crazy because of this. I am not crazy. Why a snake is better than a dog/cat/lover/scandal:

1. Snakes only bite when they're hurt/threatened.

2. Snakes can be cruel and bite, it's OK, because they're cold-blooded.

3. You can love them for years, and they still can bite/strangle you, their excuse: their snakes.

4. Snakes doesn't say bad things to your face just to piss you off.

5. Snakes doesn't yell at you when you make them go to the bank because you have no cash.

6. Snakes are cheaper to mantain compared to a girlfriend/boyfriend.

7. A snake doesn't sms you to ask you to go home straight from work because he/she wants something.

8. Snakes doesn't lie, even if they magically they could, they have forked tongue, what's your excuse?


  1. OMG!!!!!

    thats definitely NOT AN ULAR SAWAH AS Kak Halina told me!!!!!


    yikes, benar-benar mengerikan....

  2. Yea Dwi... It's an Ular Sawa. Python reticulatus.

    Comel kan?
