Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Return of the MAC

Lesson learned yesterday.

You treat people like shit, they'll treat you nicely (doesn't matter if they pretended to do so in your presence... It's cool as long as they do it). Treat people nicely, people will treat you like shit.

BTW... Good news turned out to be a temporary one. Just as I expected.
Typically predictable.

Hyper-tension is getting worst. My doc insisted anti-depressant pills which apart from making me un-depressed (if there is such thing) will also make me...
1. Make a cannon out of my butt... A bad case of the princess Diarrhea.
2. Make me all woozy and sleepy.
3. Make me dumb for as long as I'm taking those damned pills.
4. Will take me off my job (unfortunately my only source of income for now... Need to get the body ready for some prostituting job on the side... Hehehe) for just about a month or two...
So... Should I?
Or should I just bear the nagging headache behind my ears everytime some fookers annoy me with something?
Dono lah...

Help me! My butt is like shrinking and fast... Just the other day I bought some nice butt-hugging slack pants... Been hanging on my dresser since then, so I pulled out the labels and wore them to the slaving den (opis ler), guess what... They didn't fit like when I bought them! Dang... Them low quality pants expanded even without washing...

Hehehe... Next month I'll buy 2-3 sizes smaller...
I think at the rate of my body weight is falling, by next year, I'll be just groin, legs and chest with nothing in between...

My motivational quote to lose weight fast is "Stick figure is extremely attractive, fat polar bear is NOT!". Enuff said.
Hell my tendency to cut stuffs made Chef out of me.
I slept right after work until almost midnight. Woke up hungry and I kept hearing dat darn song in my mind just now... Return of the Mac... Return of the Mac...
So I surrendered myself to the song and I made another masterpiece of Baked Macarony.
Yeap... Return of the Mac(arony Bakaq)! Muahahahaha...


Saute these...

With this... While doing it...

Beat this with a lil bit of salt and pepper.

Tips- think of all the failed relationship you've had over the years. I over did it. The eggs turned out to be fluffy merengue-like. Hehehe...

Add this...

And this...

And this...

By the way, this is the smart way in making breadcrumbs (crackercrumbs)... Use unsalted crackers, smash em right there in their packaging... Again, old long dead love memories will help.

Before baking...

After baking...

First cut is the deepest... Katanya...

Eat this with chilli sauce! Nyum~!

Muka kenyang!

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