Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Busy Week, Well Not Really...

Now I am blank.

Got a lot to type about just now. But all of a sudden... Swoosh... A big black blanket of a writers' block was upon me... Nevermind. This usually happens when I'm horny. Hahaha...

Yeap, I'm HORNY. Damn HORNY.

So what?

Is it wrong to openly write about being HORNY?

Nooooo... I don't think so.

Being horny is like breathing and thinking. It comes naturally and at times, unnaturally (thanks to the lil' blue pills selling at RM35 sumwhere... Hiks!)

I'm HORNY... Now that's getting a wee bit annoying.

I'm down with a flu. Tried to sleep (as usual chemically assisted) and had the weirdest dream. Ever!

It's like so so so scary. Parts that I remembered, a wooden pillar tied to my feet, some one long time dead, being able to fly, kids pretending to be statues in weird siamese stone carving like pose, nekid kids, people talking about nekid kids, me rushing to see those damn nekid kids but cannot walk becos of the damn pillars, red slippers (I heard somewhere that satan loves the color red and I think I read some where that Satan, wears red shoes or sandal or something), being suddenly pulled, no, not pulled, yanked in to reality, realising that it was all a dream but not waking up and the pain, yes, the whole body ached like hell.

Dang! Worst than getting high on syabu or wasabi through the nose. I am so flushing the stupid sleeping pills down the toilet.

They're so so flushed!

Almost 3 am. I cant sleep. Am overdosing my system with coffee. My fourth cup in 6 hours. My kidneys must be swearing at my at the moment. Fuck it, they're mine. To hell what I wanna do with them. I can cut them out and sell them on E-bay for all I care. I dont.

Hmmm... Nothing to do. Am seriously fuckin bored. My throat feels like it is coated with sand paper. So a blowjob is out of question. Hehehe... Ahem... Focus! Back to the fourth cup of coffee...

I'm gonna do an experiment. 1 bottle of 100gms Nescafe makes about 50 cups (those teeny tiny cups that cannot even fit my dick together with testicles) of coffee that is like 1 teaspoon of coffee for each cup. OK. When I make coffee, I'd use about 3 teaspoons or 1 heap tablesppon (whatever dat means...) So that makes what? 18 mugs per 100 grams? That's about 14 more mugs to go...
Let's see what happens to the body when we add 100 grams of shitty cheap coffee to the body within 24 hours or less.

A note about coffee, cheap shitty coffee doesn't mean that expensive aren't. Expensive coffee are even more shitty. The more expensive the coffee is, regardless the name, the more shittier the coffee is.

What happened today? I don't know and I don't care. I'm looking forward for Friday. Am piercing my lower lips and eyebrow. Next month I might be getting a tattoo.


There's a saying that goes, laugh and the world laughs with you, cut of your pinky, the world laughs regardless of your pain.

A (very recent ex) friend of mine said that the reason I'm doin all these shitty shit I'm doing to myself was the fact that- I was heart-broken? Huh? Yeap, was heart-broken recent. Focus! WAS! Anyway, that person is not some vain, negative ugly woman with self-issues. No... I'm too handsome and smart for that. Hope I've made myself clear on that.

Some how that statement doesn't sound right...

Shit! that doesn't feel right. That shit is not true. I've allowed myself to be heart-broken for a certain limit of time.

Now I don't feel anything.

I can cut myself with a knife and still I feel nothing. I guess I've been so used to it. Now I know why I've gone piercing-happy. Duh~

BTW, tattoos are for pussies... I'd go for branding (branding as in cow-branding, heat up something nicely shaped made from metal until it's glowing red hot and... Put label A to metal, put label B to skin, combine A and B, scream!) I'll try that at least once.

My hyper-tension is back. That little black speck at the office is causing me grief. Luckily (for him, a curse for me) we're in a country with law, yeap, where homosexuals (anal sex- sounds so technical, man to man sex- sounds so gay, butt-fucking sounds so crude) is deemed inappropriate (in public places) but OK until some one made a police report (smirks)...

I can list what I really want to do with that little black speck and the other black speck.

Whatever it is, it'll be painful. I can get off (as in reaching orgasm) just by thinking of it...

I need to get away from all this shit. I'm in a condition where I'm getting horny when thinking about ways to torture the black specks. Help me. Something is really, really wrong with me. The moment I start wandering around, outside my house nekid, somebody please kill me. I have no insurance or saving. I have no plans of growing old. Just fucking kill me. I'll sign a consent letter.

I bought some new plants. I've killed some too. Am planning to get some of those huge emperor scorpions. They're so cool as pets.

Jeezz... Am so fuckin bored! Really wanna go out and drive somewhere, anywhere, just burn off some gas, but am not in the right condition to drive. I'll just stay at home and bore myself to death.


HMA Batch 11 Graduation Rehearsal.

Me catching my breath at the office after rushing back from HMA Graduation. Was in Batik moments before. I am not gonna post pictures of me in batik! Piena made me buy the shit, I mean shirt, She's trying to "elton-john"ise me!

Me while waiting for Mr. Sharul for Sajak Kemerdekaan recording...

Another 1 of 5 shits, opss I mean shirts Piena made me buy...

Another 1! This is me demam giler, face puffy, posing at a nursery with a blooming Grammatophylla (tiger-orchid), the largest orchid in the world. I am soo fat!

I look like a fucking pig!

Another 1... To remind myself to stop eating...

This is me and my evil twin... Hehehe... Life for people around me is difficult enough with only one me... This picture was taken just before I fucked myself.


610 am. 9 mugs of coffee, puked twice, splitting headache. I'm going to bed. no plan to wake up today.

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