Saturday, July 27, 2024

My Dream

I was never the main main character in my story.

I may seems selfish, childish, impatient and annoying to my friends. But if you can see that part of me, that means we are close. That means I am confortable with you. I've let you in.

In my dream. I'd fall in love with someone with noble blood. I'd be the strong wise man behind the wise prince. 

We'd be close, but we'd our own social obligations to fulfill. But we will always come back to each other. 

We'll have our ups and downs. We'll scream at one another, throw stuff at one another. Go on a secret holiday. Candlelight dinners, long flights, visit art  museums and marvel at the dinosaur bones at the museum of Natural History.

I'd cook your favourite dish and will be bitter if you don't do the dish. But we'll always make up. We always do. 

Your pets will hate me and mine will love you... Those traitors! 🙂 But I don't mind, because the animals know that you're nice. 

We will go out for events and then when it's all quiet, we'll slip quietly together to enjoy the full moon on the dock...

That’s my dream. 

It's almost time for me to wake up. 

My time is almost up. I am still waiting for my prince.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Chemo vs. Cancer

I feel OK. No more tiredness. No more shortness of breath. I just feel lazy.

Yesterday I dress up at the office...

I looked "goodeh"... 

Just came back from my "first part of my 6th" cycle of chemo. The Dr. is as confused as me when it comes to how many times I have been "chemoed" and we agreed on the 6th cyclfor this time. Yesterday's chemo was nice
 I slept like a baby for 7 hours during chemo. 

I had a dream tho. I was chasing someone by the sea... Just me chasing him slowly, ... And him - brisk-walking. The sound of the wave. For almost 7 hours. 

Then in my dream I feel like I needed to pee, so bad. 

So I stopped chasing him... And sloy walked to my hotel to pee. So that was my dream.

I was rubbing my feet... Then another one of my toenail just flipped over and came right off. The weird things is... I don't feel any pain. This is my 6th toenail that bailed on me. 

I guess the formula is simple... Chemo vs. Cancer = less toe nail.