Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Britney Spears' Oops I Did It Again Feels Eerily So True...

Selamat Hari Raya to all... (Sigh of relief here)

Nomore, staying up all night for sahur (yay!), No more cold shower in the middle of the night (yay yay!)... No more cooking for berbuka puasa (errr... Ok la). No more doing the dishes (YAHOO!!!)

Somebody made a (shocking, really shocking, as in shocked till almost dropped the phone shocking) declaration tonight...

(Sighs) How do one have a fling or some innocent fun without making people without love getting in the way???

I mean like, it's normal for people to go out on a date. That means you feel comfortable enough to be seen in public with that person.

It's normal to chat about things, it's called getting to know one another.

Then if the other person doesn't say much, one need to ask questions right?

How do you think a guy should act "friendly" without sending out the wrong message?

The date went so so so wonderfully... Until some one fell in love... (SMACK LOUDLY ON THE FOREHEAD)...

It's called courtesy questions or to put it bluntly, it's like "OK-I'm-Tired-Of-Talking-About-Myself-Now-It's-Your-Turn" kind of thing.

Then if one managed to get lucky on the first date... That doesn't mean the scary "C" word right? In case u're wondering... The scary "C" word is commitment.

It's almost the same every fookin time. It started as a fling, at least for yours truly, then the other person wanted more.

And most of the time this old fool will agree and finally, innocently fell in love...

That's when things usually turned bad...

I dont want another heartbreak this year. I'm still recovering from the last one (NO, not the one where I was rejected by someone, that never HAPPENED, I only date someone within the same age group and recently, I prefer someone younger... The younger... The better!!! I hope I'm making myself very, very, very clear now. Thank you).

So the question is... I forgot the question liao...

I always reminded myself to remember the line "nice to see, nice to hold, once broken considered sold"- I paid a lot and still paying for it at the moment...

So let's just skip the relationship and tell me, how much do I have to pay?

If I ask you will you sleep with someone handsome and rich for a million ringgit, usually the answer is "Well, maybe, err... Yes la kot..."

Then the next question is - Will you sleep with an average guy for ten ringgit? Then the answer will usually be "Hell no!!! What do you think I am????"- I think we've settled on the matter, now we're negotiating the price...

I am so not going out on a date again!!!

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