Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Scary Treatment for the Scary Disease...

Disclaimer: these are my thoughts. It may or may not be as it happens, more likely the versions that I remember. I might come back and change parts of it. So here goes... 


Day 1- waiting. Nothing happened. 

Day 1- frantically called the hospital. Got a few back and forth call but the admission call came at almost 10pm. I got some clothes and showered. 

I was admitted to the ward at 11-ish pm. Got drip line installed immediately and let's call it a day. As per usual, I woke up almost 10 times to pee and poo. Each time I pooed, it was hard and only about an almond London biscuit. The energy of pushing those bastards was not worth the pain. So it was a terrible night for me. 

Day 2 

Ward 6TE, bed 8. 
5, not yet, an abang that looks like Encik izwan. a benggali boy with his loving family 
6. And old auntie with her hired philiphino nurse
7. A Chinese lady and her annoying phone 
8. Yours truly
9. An Indian man who refused to follow his "at risk of falling" label 

I was shocked to see a mixed ward. And I was shock that I had to stay in a mixed ward with one toilet. But hey... Patients can't be choosers. 

The old auntie was nice. She always say thank you to everyone. 

The other auntie next to her, well she s a different story. She was always had to be on her phone, on loudspeaker or she will play classic Chinese songs and nap away. 

I started manifesting change... Lo and behold.. They started shuffling the ward starting with bed 7. They switched up the ward to be all male with some of the males also being switched except yours truly. 

So now 

Bed 5, young benggali boy with his loving family
Bed 6, young Chinese boy
Bed 7, uncle! 
Bed 8 yours truly
Bed 9 shuib

I was in the middle of my "second dose" of chemo when the radio Therapy people called. 

What happened on Thursday 27th april-

Got my "second" chemo dose which turned out to be part 2 of the two parts of the first dose. So basically it lbs 12 hours drip x 2 for 24 hours (day 1) regardless of what day it is... So...

Anyway had to pause the chemo drip to go for radio Therapy. I asked the nurse nicely to let me take a quick shower and she let me. She also let me wear pants instead of the sarung! Yay! 

So I was escorted to the Oncology ward because I too was deemed "at risk of falling". At first, they wanted me to be pushed in a wheelchair which under normal circumstances I would love to, but my butt hurts and the wheelchair seat looks painful. So we walked together instead. 

At the radiotherapy Centre, I leanrt that Guarantee Letter I brought  is not in the right format so I will have to pay first for the procedure at rm500 per day and claim later. I didn't have my wallet with me but the officer said they'll allow me to continue with the procedure since I am coming from the ward. 

I still have to pay when I come in tomorrow. That's almost RM500 times how many days is five and a half weeks. Yay public service! Luckily I am allowed to pay in stages. 

The pain of having to pay first and claim later is as painful as the pain in my butt but I caught a glimpse of the cute radiotherapist as well as Mr bubbles. 

The radiotherapy was OK. When we did the simulation, the bed was longer and I have space to place my hands above my head holding the doughnut pillow... But apparently the bed on the real machine fits my height just right with no space for me to seductively lie down with my head above my head... So for 20 minutes I had to endure my aching arms above my head and pulling and tugging at the pillow doughnut. 

And did I tell you that they asked me to drink 750 ml of water and hold the urine in like your life depends on it.

I sat squirming on the waiting chair  and I was bleeding from holding my pee and what must be (in my mind)the flattest most butt unfriendly chair ever.

Then when I got into the radio Therapy room, the back of my white and light blue striped ward pants was tainted with fresh blood.

And I learned that the Oncology ward is like 4 floors away from chemo ward. I will tell you how I always come to Menara timur from Menara Selatan later.

So the moment I walked in, I told the nurse what happened and she was shocked. She asked me where I am working and she got another shock because her husband works at the same organization. At that point we're best friends while talking is saw that they were clearing the single room. 

I asked her is it possible for me to move there because I can't poo comfortably in shared bathroom and she said OK. So bye bye ward 6.

Hello single room bed 4 room 4.

I pooped a happy man before bed.

Third day... Is it third day? Of fourth? Hmm... 

So I am enjoying my stay in the single room and this nice nurse came in and took my blood pressure and temperature. Being a nice friendly guy (I like to think so) I smiled and she asked me... Are you an actor? I know where you work, but I am pretty sure I've seen you on TV. I just smile. 🙂

Now we wait for the radiotherapy call. 

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