Sunday, August 17, 2008

Boring Sunday...

Pix from the Durian Perangin trip where Cik CT Hanim was visually sexually assaulted by a mat salleh father-son duo... Lucky her...

A trip to Lubuk Semilang. Another Hoya hunting trip alone... Damn white ulat bulu (caterpillars) falling down from trees and hiding among roots and branches almost gave me multiple orgasms (heart-attack!!!). They're like pussycat!!! Rich hair growth... White... And moving like someone who really needed to pee so badly... Damn scary! Geli Pakcik!

Alocasia denudata?

Nice place... Too bad... Nothing is being done here... I learned that only 2 houses are in operation... Got the contact number of the manager... Mebbe I'll think of sumthing crazy to do here...

Nice vines... Nice woody sounds so vulgar...

A Hoya with patterns on its' leaves... Hehehe... I asked for permission to sample some... From the authorities and also from the spirits... Ngeee... Takmau la if later ada sora pompuan dok nyanyi lagu Pulangkanlah kat tingkap bilik gue... Nggak mao lho... Seram banget... Mati dech...

Me with my new piercing... I look like a goldfish... A friggin goldfish!

Today I finally came to my senses and realised that ms. Sufina is an evil promoter of shops that she doesn't own... My most expensive buys happened with her... Today i bought these lovelies Vietnamese Baju with Dragon pattern... Wakaka... Baju Dinner...

Me in my comot but comel mode...

With a heavy heart I need to tell my dear readers and all you cyber voyeurs out there... I'll be in my idle mode from now on...

Until I can finish my work... Been postponing my work for 3 months now... Now that I'm me again... Haven't been myself all this while...

I think I need to finish my work and settle outstanding workloads. Things need to be done...

1. 10 viewpoints to be aired on 20th this month...

2. Merdeka programs...

3. Ramadhan programs...

4. Anything else they ask me to do, I'll do...

So in other words, to put it bluntly- I'm not fucking posting anything until I fucking finish my fucking shits... :D

The fucking End for now....


  1. Woi, aku memang ada share dalam itu kedai. Hahaha.

  2. I know dear... I love you! Hahaha... u love me tak?
