Sunday, July 13, 2008

Post Mid-Life Crisis slash Birthday Depression

Yeap. It's hard to believe I could spend a day, 24 hours that's 1440 minutes or 86, 400 seconds being utterly severely, really really really stressed out and depressed.

Now I'm feeling better. So after countless missed calls and messages and death threats, I'm happy to say that I am back to normal again.

The past is in the past but I'll keep them close for future refferences.

Anyway, back to the reason I am still up at this time- just finished chatting with someone (on the net, on the phone, on the net again). I just finished watering my plants.

The room is in a messy messy malu kat tetamu state and I am expecting a guest in a day or two... This is the time I wish my house is full of carpets. Why? Because, easier for me to sweep everything under the carpet la... Last years' mistake.

Hahaha... So Ms. Halina and Ms. Sufina are planning to have a big birthday bash for our circle of friends... BBQ or dinner. I still have my "unlimited dinner for two @ The Restaurant Andaman". Maybe we'll have something. Barbeque anyone?

Someone suggested that we all fly to Penang and celebrate there. Bila lagi dak nak merasa celebrate birthday ramai2 kat Condo Kak Ani dak?

Kak CTs' birthday coming soon. Hmm... I think I'm gonna take her out for makan2. I am so happy with the tablet PC, rasa kekok plaks guna desktop bila ada notebook nieh... Wakakaka...

Tadik kat opis aku dengan jahatnya berposing2 tangkap video sendiri lam konti. Video takleh upload haaa... Malu weh...

Kang terbongkar bakat miming aku yang terpendam nih. Abes keja gi kuar makan ngan Halina. Aku makan tomyam untuk 2 orang ngan nasik suku pinggan...

Kenyang beb. Then gi beli bekas untuk boh ulo sowo gue. Waduh... Mahal banget.

Balik umah aku tatau nak buat apa... walaupun manyak benda nak kena buat...

Xpe, esok aku prepare apa yang patut. Benda2 yang harus aku buat- panggil orang repair akuarium yang bocor, kemas bilik, buang or at least simpan lam kotak baju2 pree aku, kemas bilik, kemas bilik, kemas bilik.

Anyway, esok (jap lagi la) nak gi opis japs... Ada benda lom settle...

Baik aku tido dolu...

Nite nite world.

Kelembuan melanda diri ini time keja...

1 comment:


    I have TWO WORDS for you!!


    ur video si so LUCU! you better ask kak halina or else kak sufina the meaning of it in my language..

    cant wait to hang out with you this weekend...

    btw, take me for dinner to The Restaurant @ The Andaman.....

    ya? ya? ya?

