Friday, April 25, 2008

Get Up Get Out Do Something... How Will You Make It If You Never Even Try...

A few days back... I got this urge... This urge to do something. To create something. To do something worthwhile. You know...

When your desires are fulfilled, when you have someone who you know will think of you when you're not together with him... Or her... You start doing things to yourself (not THAT thing!!!)

Anyway, I took up my unfinished project. I've been putting this off since years back.

I called up Mr. Lee and asked him to help to move the big ol' aquarium. Dug up some old sand and rocks that I have lying around the house and put together a masterpiece!

OK... After spending some money (Black/Blue plastic background RM21, Lights and Reflector RM50, Chicken Wire- RM10- Not used in this project- DUH!) Here's the result...

Water started to clear after a few days. Put in the remaining 2 of 4 skunk loach (rm1.50 a piece) inside, 1 Golden Chinese Algae Eater (RM2.50) just to start off the biological-chemical thingy inside the system. Kayu-kayan wa usung dari SP tu beb... Umah lama (sob sob sob... sedey aaaa tingat umah lama aku, tempat wa membesar...)

Another view of the same. Still Not enough plants... So I went to Kampung Padang Wahid and collected some more. Got home with a bunch of nice plants... Cendol Plant, 2 kinds of the other Utrics, Banana Plant and some more sand.

Note to self: Next time becareful, no, be very careful when snapping pix infront of reflective surfaces, especially when you're working in the nude... Muahaha...

Water got a wee bit (no, that's an understatement) cloudy... It'll turn back to normal (hopefully) soon... Bangga siot bila buat kerja hasil leh tengok... Am planning to add some more plants, mebbe some water lily. Wanna keep small2 ikan in here... 2-3" maximum length. Ala, ikan kaler-maler tu le.

Wajah penuh kepuasan after gazing cam orang gila depan akuarium... Berbinau my mata as the lampu so terang one... Lepas ni nak tengok ikan kena pakai spek mata lalat...

BTW- No, I didn't cut my hair... It's all there, I ikat je kat belakang...

This year I wanna keep my hair kasi panjang balik... Nak kembalikan imej gigolo cam dolu2.

Ya ya... Anyway, the moral of the story, if you find yourself bored at anytime, that means you're not doing enough in your life... Waaaa....

Weight loss program hit a plateau (betul ke idak ejaan nye ni ye?) Stuck at XX kilos. Target to hit 68kgs by July, kalo tak menjadik... Haku akan jadik kan jugak! Lepas ni nak beli kasut lari (running shoes la ngok!) nak start jogging. Nak kena turun lagi XX kilos... Adei...

Ni gambo akuarium pakcik yang airnya dah nak clear... at least 2 hari baru clear.... x sabo nak membeli ikang nak boh lam ni....

Friday, April 18, 2008

Ada Apa Dengan Ikon Bahagian Kedua

Madonna the Conty Dominatrix.
The long shiny thingy is not something to "poke" someones' orifice with.
It's a water flask.

The Spactic Four

Lisham Dahmer strangling a willing victim 1.

Lisham Dahmer learns that Nani enjoys Bondage.

Nani dah insaf..

Tebal siot make-up ala2 bak kata Rosyam Nor... "tepung gomak"

Pleasure Cruise dalam Van RTM

"Adibah Nor risau tak dapat bayaran show"

I know it's wrong to do this... But WTH... Wakakaka... Huargh... Huargh...

(Gelak sampai tergolek)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Life's like a TV show half-way through the anteanna's broken...

Being alone sucks.

Being together with someone one loves is wonderful. Sometime, that sucks too.

Unhappy alone.

Unhappy together.

It's like when one yearns about commitment and freedom at the same time. Nothing comprimised. That's confusing. The moon is indeed very confusing. Like the ebb and flow of the tide. Predictable. Constantly changing.

Life is like a thread. A tangled one.

You start at one end towards the other end. That's our very own personal journey. No one can live on one behalf.

Sometimes you can just pack your bag and create some make belief character for yourself.

How many times can one do that before one loses track of what's real and what's not?

Maybe the first human ancestor (scientifically speaking) developed language not to communicate, but to complain about stuff.

I am not complaining. This is not about me.

This is about what happens when you sit down at night alone after a hard day at work and you compare yourself with who you were 5 years ago... 10 years ago... to who you are now and who you could have been.

Then you set your goals for the next 5 years or even 10 years from now.

Then you realise, having everything meticulously planned out leaves out the unexpected fun in living.

It's hard to speak of something without really saying what it is...

I'm almost there.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

jes for laughs

Oooo... Who's that sexy lil' thing in black???

Wow! Will Smith (in drag) and in Langkawi... Kwang kwang kwang...

No lah... It's just Madonna J. hahahaha... Mati la kena santau kat opis nanti...

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ikon Shoot and Ronda-Ronda Satu Pulau Day...

Waaa... Pakcik kena pilih untuk mewakili opis pakcik untuk ditampilkan, dishowcasekan dan difofularkan dalam IKON (siot je...) Long story short.. Gambo2...

Pakcik setelah di"comelkan" oleh Boss pakcik...
Pakcik ngan Ms. Nurul Razihan Radzi (pose ala2 yantie... Siapa yantie? yantie dari indo dong~ Hanya pakcik je yang kenal yantie tu)...

Pakcik ngan Uncle Haji Said
(If the technicians buat band... it'll be named... Meet Uncle Said... La la la la.. hari2 kerja...)

Pakcik dengan (regardless of her size... Kejam siot statement!) Baby (seriously... Her name is Baby)

Pakcik ngan Mr. Sharol "Jolie" (Clue- See the lips)

Pakcik ngan Madonna J. (ala2 Rosario Dawson pun ada... ala2 ahli paperdolls pun ada sket...)

Pakcik (pose cak-cak ngan niat jahat) ngan Ms. Nani "Molly"

Pakcik kat Kutub Utara (posing ala2 Natalie Imbruglia aka. pose nak terkucil)

Pakcik atas cable car. Kononnya model SKII...

Friday, April 11, 2008

Durian Night Fever...

Hehehe... Ok... Nuff bout dat.... It's been a while since I did this...

Horoscope time...

"You should be feeling especially passionate today, dear Cancer, so don't be surprised if you can't get sex and romance off your mind. "

"If you're currently involved, schedule an intimate evening alone with your lover. "

"If you aren't involved, don't be surprised if you pull someone new and exciting under your spell! Your passions also could spill over into other departments of your life as well, including creative and intellectual interests. "

"Make the most of it all! "

Errrr... Right... Let's compare notes with my other half punya plaks....

"Business and money matters may seem to be going too well to be true, dear Gemini. "

"Success and good fortune in these departments are definitely indicated for you today! "

"If you've been trying for a break in a creative or artistic field, it may finally manifest. "

"The present looks profitable and the future bright. "

"In the evening: Celebrate by scheduling a romantic encounter with a lover. "

"You should find it especially gratifying at this time! "

Horoscope is soooo scary especially when you're in habit of reading back0dated ones... Ngeh ngeh ngeh...

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Oo... It's time...

Just when everything's in order and good, things fall apart.

Just when life should be resolving, I'm back at the beginning, And it comes back to the heart ...I'm not really sad ... I'm not running, I'm looking ... Did I tell you I've saved all your letters and cards ...

There's just nothing left for me to do here but unhook the stars ...

Do you remember when I told you all that I could and it seemed like too much ...

Well I was living your life hoping you'd never fall ... If I held on tight enough ...

And letting go now is like a passport to anywhere ...

With time on my hands I can make a new start ...

I just didn't want to stay here and unhook the stars

I just didn't want to stay here and unhook the stars

Don't worry for me it's just I'm inspired

Waiting in the wings made me drunk with possibility

It rivals my memories ...

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Not Exactly a Model Material...

That night. alone at Aseania.
I took out my camera and snapped away.
Not bad for a 30-year old guy, rite?

Malaysia Water Festival 2008 Has Ended... Phew!

Pix of Crazy People.

Everybody's gone gaga because of too much sun...

Brain over-heated...

Having your favorite shades imprinted on your face is no fun...

I OD-ed on Vitamin D and Sunscreen-Deficiency Syndrom.

Made a Few "New Friends" Ngeee...

My Baby is on silent Mode...

Slept Alone at Aseania... Hot Shower... A/C on lowest setting... Bliss!

Mr. Fairuz (Suara Pecah!), Ms. Sufina (nak "RELAI" katanya), Ms/Mdm/Ms Madonna "Jackson" John (kena gi X-RAY pinggang), Myself (Itam, suara pecah, akit lutut, sun-burned etc) all affected.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hmmm... Hmmm... Hmmm...

What to say? So many things... But then again... Nobody's really reading this blog. How wrong... I learned today that some one is actually been following this blog... That, my friends make me think... I better becareful about what I type in here...

Anyway... Today was fun... I started work with my voice sounding like Macy Gray, then Louie Armstrong, then Itik Nila then Ramli Sarip and Macy Gray again... Sora takdak beb... Aiseh... Baca promo waterfest pun sora ala2 budak AF. Bengong tol... Dah la bulan ni aku kopak...

Tomolo got function summore... National Waterfest 2008. Guess who will be the MC for the Pantai Games? Saper lagi... Moi la! Mati la...

Abes keja, meeting plaks... I'm sad to say that my programs (Hollywood and Hit It Live) will no longer be aired starting this week. I will propose some other program (but it will take time to create a program and I dont really feel like creating anything at the moment, lantak la). Balik umah je terus londeh abis dengan niat suci murni nak membadak barang sejam dua... Last-last baru je tgh layan... Henpon munyik...

Cilakak siot... Wa kena april fool melalui telefon... My baby called soh bukak pintu.. katanya dia ada depan pintu... Nak kena la tu....

Anyway... I finished a big bottle of Ubat Batuk cap Kelapa Laut Afrika in one gulp.. I expected to get high and cure my throat... But nothing happened...

Then I went out and bought some asam jawa... Then I pikiaq to myself... Rajin sangatkah aku ini mau memerah dan membancuh air asam jawa ini? Hehehe... I singgah kedai and bought 5 bottles of tamarind juice. Esok jenuh diarrhea haku...

Then went back home la...

What happened just now inspired me to write this...

My relationship with that certain somebody is like Durian...

No... Not that it's stinky and illegal on planes and in hotels.

Durian... Not the siamese durian but the old fashioned traditional Malay Durian...

My relationship is like durian...

It's thorny and prickly... Hard to handle. Painful.

But inside it's nice... Considering the fact that durian is seasonal... But it's worth the wait...


Only people who like durian will understand what's the fuss about durian...

Too much of durian will make you sick. No durian (if you're a durian fanatic) will make you go "Hmmm... When's durian season la... Teringin nak makan durian..."

OK. Tonight is durian season and I gorged myself on durian just now... Kah kah kah... Tajuk lagu yang "diubah sesuai sesuka hati mak bapak aku"...

Whitney Houston: All the durian that I Need/ I'm Your Durian Tonight/ I Will Always Love Durian/ Queen of the Durian/ Heartbreak Durian/ Could I have this Durian Forever?/ It's Not Right but it's Durian.

Madonna: Beautiful Durian/ Ray of Durian/ Durian to Remember/ Live to Durian/ Take a Durian/ Like a Durian/ La Isla Durian/ Substitute for Durian/ Express Your Durian/ Why's It So Hard to Durian/ Inside of My Durian/ This Used to be My Durian/ He's a Durian/ I'm Going Durian/ Durian is Surprisingly Good for You/ Another Durian, Another Hall/ Durian Fits Heaven

Roxette: (I could Never) Give Durian Up/ Dressed for Durian/ Sweet Durian, Sad Durian/ How Do You Durian?/ Durian-ride/ Durian Street/ You Don't Understand Durian/ I don't wanna get Durian/ Spending my Durian/ Fading like a Durian...

Sinead O'connor: Nothing Compares to Durian/ I am stretched on your Durian/ I Feel so Durian/ A Perfect Durian/ The Last day of Our Durian/ Three Durians/ Fire on Durian/ Black Boys on Durian/ Put Your Hands on my Durian

Obses bebeno pakcik ngan durian ni ek?

Haku dah gila dah... Baik aku tido... Sok pagi2 buta nak kena ada kat Pantai Chenang dah... Mati haku kalo tak jaga/ lambat jaga....

My baby bau busuk tapi comel...

